Current Research by Our Members


Soelseth, Camilla Holm (2023). The media ecologies of Norwegian instapoet Trygve Skaug: tracing the post-digital circulation process of (insta)poetry through participatory-made Instagram archives. European Journal of English Studies (EJES). Vol. 27.

Soelseth, Camilla Holm (2023). The relational hashtag patterns of Scandinavian instapoetry: An exploratory metadata analysis of the poetry phenomenon, focusing on community practices and thematical patterns in the instapoetry ecology. First Monday. Vol. 28.

Korecka, Magdalena Elisabeth. “Platformized Visual Intimacies: Visibility in Feminist Instapoetry.” Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture / Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur. Ed. Magdalena Elisabeth Korecka and Wiebke Vorrath. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2023. 121-144.

Korecka, Magdalena Elisabeth and Wiebke Vorrath (eds). Poetry and Contemporary Visual Culture / Lyrik und zeitgenössische Visuelle Kultur. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.

– Korecka, Magdalena Elisabeth. Book Review: “KREUZMAIR, ELIAS / ECKHARD SCHUMACHER (Hg.). Literatur nach der Digitalisierung. Zeitkonzepte und Gegenwartsdiagnosen”. Jahrbuch Gegenwartsliteratur/ A German Studies Yearbook 2022/2023; Stauffenburg Publishers.
Gegenwartsliteratur: A German Studies Yearbook

– Korecka, Magdalena Elisabeth and Jara Schmidt, Manuel Bolz, Deborah Fallis, Carlos Kong, Hevin Karakurt, Isabell Sluka, Jule Thiemann: “Umschreibungs- und Verständigungsformel, Reizvokabel und Plastikwort.” Diskussion des Begriffs ‘Postmigration’.” Kleine Formen – widerständige Formen? Postmigration intermedial. Ed. Jara Schmidt and Jule Thiemann. Königshausen & Neumann, 2023. 13-29.

– Grubnic, Tanja. “#indigenousauthor: Locating Tenille Campbell’s Erotic Poetry, Photography, and Community-Based Arts Beyond Social Media. The European Journal of English Studies, vol. 27, 2023, pp. 122-147. doi:10.1080/13825577.2023.2200492.

– Grubnic, Tanja. “Platforms and Poetry as a Popular Form of Engagement.” Virtual Identities and Digital Culture, edited by Victoria Kannen and Aaron Langille, pp. 211-220, 2023. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003310730-25.

– Obbard, Kiera. “Canadian Poetry and the Computational Concordance: Sandra Djwa and the Early History of Canadian Humanities Computing”. Future Horizons: Canadian Digital Humanities, edited by Paul Barrett and Sarah Roger, The University of Ottawa Press, 2023.,proposes%20potential%20areas%20for%20improvement.

– Obbard, Kiera, and Abi Lemak. “Not All Fun and Games in #mypokehood.” Virtual Identities and Digital Culture, by Victoria Kannen and Aaron Langille, 1st ed., Routledge, 2023, pp. 107–16. (Crossref),

– Boqo, Bella. “Let Black Girls Be: The (Insta)Poetry of Upile Chisala and its Resistance to Coloniality of Being.” European Journal of English Studies. Vol. 27, 2023, pp. 81-100. doi: 10.1080/13825577.2023.2200431.

– Rezai, Yasamin. “Performing Persian Poetics on Instagram: An Interview with @barkhi_az_honarmandan.” European Journal of English Studies. Vol. 27, 2023, pp. 148-162. doi: 10.1080/13825577.2023.2200360.


– Soelseth, Camilla Holm (2022). “When is a Poet an Instapoet?: The Effect of Platformization on the Practice of Being a Poet, and Instapoets as Examples of Poetry Content Creators in the Social Media Entertainment Ecosystem.” Baltic Screen Media Review. Vol. 10.


– Korecka, Magdalena Elisabeth. 54books. Instapoetry und Öffentlichkeit – „Rupi Kaur Live“: November 25, 2021.

– Obbard, Kiera. “Feminist Humour’s Disruptive Potential: Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood and Rupi Kaur’s Performance ‘I’m Taking Back My Body.’” “Re-Fashioning Stories for Celebrity Counterpublics” Special Issue of Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, edited by Kiera Obbard et al., vol. 10, no. 2, June 2021, p. 169-82.

– Moro, Sabrina, Kiera Obbard, and Samita Nandy. “Editorial: Refashioning Stories for Celebrity Counterpublics.” Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 145–52. (Crossref),

– Grubnic, Tanja. “Critical Introduction to Volume 5 of The Savoy (September 1896),” Co-Written with Sarah Menzies, The Savoy Digital Edition, edited by Christopher Keep and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2021, 10 pp.


– Obbard, Kiera, Sabrina Moro, and Samita Nandy. “Introduction to ‘Politics and Pleasures of Fandom as Celebrity Counterpublics.’” Journal of Fandom Studies, vol. 8, no. 3, Sept. 2020, pp. 231–35. (Crossref),

Nandy, Samita, Kiera Obbard, and Nicole Bojko, editors. Ethical Glamour and Fashion: Styling and Branding the Persona. WaterHill Publishing, 2020.

– Grubnic, Tanja. “Nosthetics: Instagram Poetry and the Convergence of Digital Media and Literature.” The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 9, no. 2, 2020, pp. 145-163. doi:10.1386/ajpc_00024_1.